Saturday, April 12, 2008

Success from setting Long Term Goals

Some examples will shed some light on how to become successful through setting goals.

Option1: work a linear income job for a paycheck to accumulate in your bank account so you can pay your bills.

Option2: work part time to pass on by, have a part time business where your money can flow passively on the long term. Short term losses incur, long term income increases slowly

Example1: Work at a restaurant 4 days a week to pay for bills, promotional modeling on the side, slowly increase acting/modeling

Example2: Work at a restaurant 2-3 days a week, less promotional modeling on the side, small network marketing business on the side, massive amounts of networking online to promote your acting/modeling + classes.

Whatever you spend more time focusing on is however your income will flow. If you focus yourself on working a job, you will only get better at that job, and there will always be a glass ceiling, you will plateau out and it will hold back the growth of your other areas of specialty.
So if you keep working a linear income job (paycheck to paycheck) that will only stay the same, hindering the growth of your other areas you focus in.

Example3: work at a restaurant 4 days a week to pay for bills, yet you can do promotional modeling, but only have time to do it twice a week. If you focus your time not on working for someone else, but working for yourself, you can spend more time researching other promotional jobs and find better paying ones.

You invest time in yourself, you reap the benefits. You invest your time into someone else's company, they enjoy being able to leverage you and your time to make them money.

Personal anecdote by me which can be translated into any other scenario with having your own business (investing your own time to further your own career and your own dreams):
I can either work at a restaurant to pay for my bills, or I can cut that work in half, and leverage a financial institutions money to pay for half my bills, and invest the other time finding jobs that can pay, or network with people that can find me a paying acting/modeling job in the nearest future. You can expand your horizons from outside your city and increase the money as well. I can put even more time into it, cut my workload in 1/4 and travel to LA on the weekends, and can set up multiple paying jobs, which increase your network exponentially in the career field you choose to pursue.

Increasing your network can have exponential benefits. It just takes one client who loves what you do to spread your name word of mouth to someone else, who could do the same, who could become your next client, thus having 2 people network for you, eventually possibly becoming 4, etc.
So your short term benefit of working a job in comparison to the long term benefit of expanding yourself somewhere else(growing) should be the easiest analogy ever.

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